A walk to remember

A peaceful sunrise walk from Penarth Pier to Tŷ Hafan Children’s Hospice to remember those you love.

Sign up today
Walk to remember

Date of event

14th September 2024


Penarth to Sully

Entry fee

£5 / £10

Sponsorship target


What is the a walk to remember?

This morning walk beings at Penarth Pier from 6 am. You’ll watch the sunrise as you enjoy peaceful walk along the coastal path in memory of your loved ones and raising funds for Tŷ Hafan.

Registration is £10, or £5 for 16-17 year olds, and we ask that you fundraise a minimum of £200 in sponsorship.

You’ll get a fundraising pack and the full support of the Tŷ Hafan Team to help you reach your fundraising target.

Your fundraising transforms lives. Right now, only 1 in 10 families in Wales who need our help are getting the support they need through their child’s life, death and beyond. When you raise money for Tŷ Hafan, you take us one step closer to reaching every family in Wales who needs us, so no family faces the unimaginable death of their child alone.

Sign up today
Penarth Pier, Richard Griffiths

Frequently asked questions

All you need to know about the Walk to Remember

Who can take part?

The walk is approximately 6 miles / 10 kilometres along the beautiful Wales Coastal Path between Penarth Pier and Tŷ Hafan Children’s Hospice in Sully. Walkers should be in good health and comfortably able to walk the distance on sometimes challenging terrain.

Due to the uneven nature of the coastal path in some places, it is unfortunately not suitable for pushchairs or wheelchairs.


Are children allowed on the walk?

Due to the length and challenging terrain along the walk entrants should be aged 16 or over.  Under 18s can enter at a reduced fee of £5 per person and will need to be accompanied by someone aged 18+.

Can I bring a dog on the walk?

Unfortunately as there are narrow parts of the path for the group to pass, and as we will be entering the hospice grounds at the end of the walk, we are unable to have dogs with us on this occasion.

Will refreshments be available?

We’ll start the walk with a hot drink in Penarth and finish at Tŷ Hafan Children’s Hospice with a well-earned hot breakfast roll.

Fundraising with Just Giving

Online fundraising is a great way to raise sponsorship. When you set up an online fundraising page at www.justgiving.com search for ‘Tŷ Hafan Walk to Remember’ which will link your page to the event. The funds from JustGiving automatically come through to Tŷ Hafan, so once you have set up your page and share it with friends, family and colleagues, you don’t have to do anything else.

Ready to Sign up?

Excellent! It will only take a few minutes to register your interest.

Sign up today
View of Penarth Pier

We’re always here to help

If you have any questions, email events@tyhafan.org. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.