Practical support and advocacy

From sourcing equipment to finding the right school, to claiming financial support, life can be complicated when you’re caring for a child with complex needs.

But we want to let you know that we’re in your corner. We’re here to provide you with expert practical support and advocacy to make things simpler and improve your family’s quality of life.


How we can help you

We offer a range of practical support and advice to help make sure you know about and can access all the help your child and family members need.


We can help you express your views and wishes, make decisions and stand up for your rights. We’re here to fight your corner so you get the all-round support you need and don’t feel alone.

Navigating services

We know that the health and social care systems are complex and often very difficult to navigate. But we're here to ease your worries and help make your life easier.

Signposting to further support

We can talk to you about national, regional and local organisations and charities that may be able to help you, your child and other family members in a wide range of ways.

Help with benefits 

Caring for a child with a life-shortening condition may be having a huge impact on your finances. We can talk to you about benefits and other financial support you may be entitled to and how to access it.

Equipment and technology

Not sure what equipment or technology will help your child in your home? Or struggling to access the equipment and technology you need? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We can help.

Transition to adult services

We know that it can be hard when your child reaches 18 and it’s no longer possible for them to stay at our hospice. But our dedicated transition service can work closely with your family and adult services and hospices to make sure your child’s needs are taken care of and you all feel confident about the future.

On top of this, you and your child can attend TÅ· Hafan social events throughout the year and use our drop-in services to stay in touch with us and access a wide range of support.

Support as a young person or school

Here to help

If you’d like to find out more about or access any aspect of our practical support, please contact our family support team on 02920 532200 or at familysupport@tyhafan.org 

After we assessed Jordan’s house, it was clear the design and layout was not safe for him. So we liaised with other services and campaigned for over a year to address his housing needs.  
Now, his family are happily living in a spacious, three-bedroomed bungalow with a large enclosed garden.   
As a result, Jordan’s mum has slowly unwrapped the cotton wool she’d placed around Jordan and allowed him more freedom. Something that’s released a spurt of mental and physical development.

- Shirley Valentino, Family Support Practitioner at TÅ· Hafan

Get emotional support today

If you’d like to speak to someone about how you’re feeling, including any fears and concerns you may be experiencing, we can help.  

We have highly trained family support practitioners who have lots of experience listening to and supporting the parents of children with life-shortening illnesses.  

Call 02920 532200 or email familysupport@tyhafan.org to arrange to speak to a family support practitioner today. 

Explore more

Crisis and emergency respite stays

There may be times when your child’s care needs are more complex and demanding or perhaps a family situation means you need some additional support. If this is the case, we will do our best to offer you a short respite stay.

Symptom Management

Our expert care professionals are highly trained at managing pain and other symptoms that children with a life-shortening condition may experience. 

Therapy and sensory play support

Our range of therapies include music therapy, play therapy, physiotherapy and complementary therapies such as massage and aromatherapy. 

Bereavement support

We understand that grief is different for everyone. That’s why we offer tailored bereavement support to individuals and whole families for however long it’s needed.  Â