Your contact preferences

We hope you love hearing from us and we really don’t want you to miss out on all things Tŷ Hafan.

But in order for us to continue to email or phone you, we need you to confirm that you’re still happy to hear from us in this way. It’s really easy to do, simply fill in the form below and tick the boxes.


Thank you – You are the reason we can make a short life a full life for Tŷ Hafan families

Your details will be kept safe and secure and will only be used by us and won’t be shared with anyone else. We use the information you provide so that we can send you communications that will be of interest to you. You can change your mind at any time by calling 029 2053 2255 or emailing

Visit for further details on how your data is used and stored.

Are you a hospice family member?

Many of the families we support have told us that they would like to hear from us about our fundraising activities and more. If you would like to hear from us in the future or if you would like to opt-out of any marketing communications please click the button below to enter your preferences.

Choose how we contact you

Please provide your details

    First name
    Last name

    Please select how you'd like to be contacted.

    By Email

    By SMS

    By Phone

    We would also love to send you information by post, but if you would prefer not to receive this please tick the box.