A pantomime with a very special guest
Performed by staff and special guests, our Encanto-themed Christmas pantomime was a hilarious and touching performance. When the final panto ended, Santa Claus himself descended on Tŷ Hafan in a Wales Air Ambulance helicopter to meet the children and give out gifts. This was a truly amazing day at Tŷ Hafan, so thank you to everyone who made it possible.
A wintry candlelit service
Our annual Candlelight Service took place in December and it was lovely to see so many of the bereaved families we support in attendance. Christmas can be a difficult time for bereaved hospice families and the Candlelight Service gives them an opportunity to get together, sing carols and decorate our Christmas tree with memorial tags to celebrate their children’s lives. We were thrilled to welcome Treorchy Male Voice choir back to the hospice to sing carols at this heart-warming event.
Hospice Stay & Play Hubs will return in 2023
The Stay & Play Hubs will be reintroduced at the hospice for the first time after the pandemic. These Hubs allow children and families to come to us for the day, access our specialist services and complementary therapies, get peer support, have lunch and meet other families. The whole team at the hospice can’t wait to bring these events back in 2023, so watch this space!
An exciting new addition to the hospice
We now have an Acheeva bed! For many children with altered body shape due to conditions such as scoliosis or muscle tightness, finding a comfortable position that is also supportive enough to limit any further changes is a challenge.
They may have a specialist chair to support sitting well but are only able to tolerate sitting for an hour or two. The Acheeva bed offers supported lying in different positions, so we can find something bespoke for a child that is comfortable and supports their posture.
It’s easy to move around and designed for daytime use, so it can be used around the hospice and the children can take part in all our activities in a position that works for them.
Christmas Day at Tŷ Hafan
This Christmas Day at Tŷ Hafan was extra-special, and focused on a young person having end-of-life care making precious memories with her family at the hospice. They told us they had a lovely Christmas as a family, supported by our Care Team. It was such a privilege to be a part of this wonderful day.
For more news and updates straight from Tŷ Hafan children’s hospice, keep an eye out on our news page!