Tea for Tŷ Hafan

Celebrate this May with a Tŷ Hafan par-tea!

You’re cordially invited… to hold a tea party in May to mark the 25th anniversary of Tŷ Hafan opening our doors.

Register today for your tea party pack
Tea for ty Hafan 2024

Hosting a Tŷ Hafan tea party

The world is your teapot when you take part in Tea for Tŷ Hafan this spring!

Your tea party can be as lavish or low-key as you’d like and any amount you raise – no matter how big or small – will go straight towards supporting children in Wales with life-shortening conditions.

The venue is completely up to you, too. Here are some venue ideas that we love:

  • Your home or garden
  • Your street
  • Your local village hall
  • Your school, college or university
  • Your place of work.

When you sign up, we’ll send you a tea party pack in the post with lots of Tŷ Hafan goodies for you and your guests.

If you’re not able to hold your tea party in May, don’t worry! Just let us know when you’d like to hold it, and we’ll make sure you have everything you need to make your party a success.

Register today

This year it’s our 25th anniversary and there’s no better way to mark the occasion.

To sign up, fill in the form below or email supportercare@tyhafan.org.

The Supporter Care Team will be there every step of the way to help you with fundraising tips, publicity materials, Gift Aid and more.

Register today for your tea party pack!


    Your details

    First name
    Last name
    Address 1
    Address 2
    Email address
    Phone number
    If you are taking part as a business, group or school please add the name or your business, group or school below:
    What motivated you to sign up for this event?

    How did you hear about this event?

    Your event

    When do you plan to hold your event?
    Where do you plan to hold your event?
    We'd love to keep you informed of how your support is making a difference to Welsh children and other ways you can help.

    Please let us know how you would like to hear from us and we'll ensure that you get as much or as little as you want You can change your mind at any time by emailing supportercare@tyhafan.org We value your support and respect your privacy. We will never sell or share your details and promise to keep them safe. ‘We’ includes Tŷ Hafan and our subsidiary Crackerjackpot. For further details on how your data is used and stored, visit https://www.tyhafan.org.uk/privacy-policy

    Please select your preferences below:


    Tea for Tŷ Hafan fundraising pack

    The world is your teapot when you take part in Tea for Tŷ Hafan this spring!

    We have a range of items that can help promote your party and add a touch of Tŷ Hafan to your celebrations! All you need for a perfect tea party!

    Download your resources today

    Why your support is so important



    Every year we need to raise around £5.2 million to run our world-class hospice in Wales and provide life-changing community services.


    children supported

    Since 1999, we’re proud to have supported almost 1,200 children. However, this is just a fraction of the children who need our help.


    goes a long way

    If you raise £50, that’s enough to pay for an hour of music therapy for a child. A time in which special lifelong memories can be made.

    Event checklist

    Use our resources

    Download your digital resources such as bunting and invites. We’re also providing a physical pack to help give your event some extra sparkle.

    Decide when and where

    Decide when and where you are going to hold your event and how many people you would like to invite. If you are planning a larger scale event in your local village hall for example then you may need to consider things such as public liability insurance, access, and a risk assessment. There is some excellent guidance available from the Chartered Institute of Fundraising which can be read by visiting: https://ciof.org.uk/events-and-training/resources/key-considerations-for-event-fundraising but please contact us if you are unsure about anything.

    Entry fee?

    Decide whether you are going to charge a small fee as entry.

    Collect donations online

    Collect online donations in place of cash by creating your unique donation page on JustGiving and sharing the link with those attending. Here’s the link to do this www.justgiving.com/campaign/teafortyhafan.

    Set up your Just Giving page and start fundraising today!




    How the funds you raise help!


    pays for an hour of emotional support from a family support worker, helping families deal with the daily challenges they face.


    pays for an hour of music therapy giving children the chance to make lasting memories together.


    could pay for a specially trained nurse to care for a child throughout the night allowing mum and dad to get some much-needed rest.


    pays for a whole month of telephone support for our families.

    Top tips to help you fundraise.

    Tell people about your event

    Tell people about your event through the power of social media. Use the blank poster and invites inside this pack to help promote your event and ask friends and family to help you too!

    Cakes, cakes, cakes!

    Ask friends, family, colleagues to bake a cake and aim to have a good section of cakes on offer

    Entry fee?

    Don’t be afraid to charge entry to your event depending on its location and charge more for larger more intricate cakes.

    Collect donations online

    Create a JustGiving page to collect any online donations.

    Match what you raise

    Ask your employer or local bank if they will match what you raise. One of your guests may also be able to help with this.

    Host a quiz

    Host a quiz, raffle or some kind of competition on the day to help add to the variety and raise even more funds.

    Get in touch

    Speak to us if you have any questions or are unsure about anything. We’re here to help.

    How to pay in the money you raise

    After your tea party, it’s time to send us the money you’ve raised and put it to work. This is something you can do quickly and safely in a number of ways.

    Pay in money raised