How to include a gift

Including a gift in your will to Tŷ Hafan can be very straightforward. To help you do this, we’ve put together the easy-to-follow information below.

But please remember we’re always here for you if you have a question or need further support. Contact our Supporter Care team at supportercare@tyhafan.org or call 02920 532 255.


Maria and Fynley

Your initial three steps

We recommend you use a will writing service or solicitor to write your will. This is something you can do for free by using our will writing services. Or you can find local solicitors on the Law Society’s website.

Before you do get in touch with a will writing service or solicitor, please consider following these three simple steps. They may help you feel more prepared before your chat and make that conversation go smoother.


Make a list of your assets and their value

This information will help your solicitor considerably. Your assets can include property, savings and other items of value.


Make a list of your outstanding finances

This will give you a clearer understanding of how much your estate is worth. Take into consideration your mortgage, loans and any other credit you have.


Make a list of your beneficiaries

Family members, close friends and charities you support may be included. This list will help you decide how you’d like to divide your estate.



The types of gifts you can include in your will

After providing for your loved ones, there are a variety of ways you can include a gift in your will to TÅ· Hafan:

A share of your estate

This is also known as a ‘residuary gift’ and is a percentage of your estate.

A specific gift

This is a named item such as a house, jewellery or stocks and shares.

A cash gift

This is also known as a ‘pecuniary gift’ and is a fixed amount of money or you can leave an ‘index-linked pecuniary gift’ which is a fixed amount of money linked to the index of retail prices. This means any amount pledged would keep its value in line with any possible inflation increases.

What your will needs to state

If you generously decide to include a gift in your will to Tŷ Hafan, it’s important that the following wording is used. So please make sure you make a note of the information below or save it to your phone so you can pass it on to your solicitor when you see or speak to them.

If you’re including a share of your estate (residuary gift):

I include …… percent of the residue of my real and personal estate to Tŷ Hafan, Hayes Road, Sully, CF64 5XX. Registered charity number 1047912.

If you’re including a cash gift (pecuniary gift):

I include the sum of …… (words) pounds £……. (figures) to Tŷ Hafan, Hayes Road, Sully, CF64 5XX. Registered charity number 1047912.

If you are leaving an index linked pecuniary gift

I leave the index linked sum of ____________(words) pounds £___________ (figures) to Tŷ Hafan, Hayes Road, Sully, CF64 5XX. Registered charity number 1047912

If you are leaving a specific gift

I leave my ____________(item) to TÅ· Hafan, Hayes Road, Sully, CF64 5XX. Registered charity number 1047912

If you’re updating an existing will

If you’re amending your will, you can either revoke your current will and make a new one, or you can add an amendment/s to your current will. This amendment is known as a codicil and must be written and signed in the presence of two independent witnesses. Your solicitor can advise you about what to state.

What is inheritance tax?

Inheritance tax is the amount of money you’ll have to pay the government from your estate if it is over a certain value.

By leaving a gift in your will to charity, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your inheritance tax liability. A gift to charity is tax free and taken out of your estate before your tax is calculated.

For example, if you leave 10% of your net estate to charity, you can reduce your inheritance tax rate from 40% down to 36%.

Got a question about inheritance tax? We recommend you speak to your solicitor or HMRC for further advice and information.

Our free will writing offer

Meet face to face with a solicitor through our partnership with the National Free Wills Network, a national network of local law firms offering Will writing services to supporters of UK charities.


Find out more

Gifts in wills guide

Find out more about how to write a will, our free will writing offer and the difference your precious gift will make to the TÅ· Hafan families.


Download your guide today

Here to help

If you have a question you’d like answered, want to know more about our free will writing offer, or would like to receive a physical copy of our free gifts in wills guide, please get in touch.

You can contact our Supporter Care team at supportercare@tyhafan.org or call 02920 532 255.