As a provider of care services to vulnerable children and young adults, we have not seen any details yet, so have not had an opportunity to understand fully what is proposed for the land immediately adjacent to our hospice and its grounds on Hayes Road, Sully, or to scrutinise any plans.
That notwithstanding, it goes without saying that the security, safety, privacy and tranquility of our hospice, and its sensory and memorial gardens, is of paramount importance to the children with life-shortening conditions, and their families, who use our facilities and access the unique care and support we provide 24/7.
As a charity, and with our hospice itself located in Sully, a community that has always supported us, we hope that our concerns are obvious to businesses and members of the local community, including those who make planning decisions.
We would invite anyone connected to the proposed development to get in touch with us when we have been able to review and assess the implications for Tŷ Hafan of any proposals contained in a verified planning application submitted to the Vale of Glamorgan Council. At this point we will share information with them about what we do, and why the security, safety, privacy and tranquility of our hospice and gardens cannot, and must never, be compromised.