Family Voices Report

“Our Lifeline”: Children’s hospices in Wales – The voices of our families.

Read the Family Voices report
Family voices report

Tŷ Hafan joined forces with Tŷ Gobaith (Wales’ other children’s hospice up in North Wales) to ask the children, young people and families in our care what they need to live the best life they can and if children’s hospices in Wales provide them with enough support.

We had an incredible 133 responses from families who access children’s hospice services right across Wales — and we learnt a lot. We learnt about what families love about our care, but also what they desperately need more of.

Since then, we’ve taken the voices of our families from the survey to develop the ‘Family Voices’ report. The report is incredibly powerful and presents, very loudly and clearly, and in the words of our families, the most important concerns of families who have children with life-limiting conditions.

Together, with Tŷ Gobaith, we are now calling on the Welsh Government to listen to the voices of our families to create a better, brighter and more sustainable future for paediatric palliative care in Wales.

Read the ‘Family Voices’ report here