
Jump into Jan

Jump into Jan

If you're looking to start 2025 in the right way why not Jump into Jan with Tŷ Hafan! We challenge you to join us in getting active every day (or as often as you can) while supporting Tŷ Hafan, and we promise to give you plenty of ideas and motivation along the way.
The big Welsh bike ride

Taith Feicio Fawr Cymru 2025

Mae Taith Feicio Fawr Cymru yn ddigwyddiad newydd sbon sy’n cael ei drefnu gan Tŷ Hafan, i helpu i godi arian hanfodol i sicrhau na ddylai'r un teulu orfod byw bywyd byr eu plentyn ar ei pen eu hunain.
Tŷ Hafan Gala Dinner 2024

The Big Quiz

This black tie event is a wonderful opportunity to come together to look back at the past 25 years of Tŷ Hafan and help raise funds so that we can reach more children and families across Wales.
Family fun run runners Newport 2024

Cardiff Half Junior

Cardiff Half Marathon - Run Wales capital city in the flat, fast and iconic race. We would love for you to join our team in 2024!
Dark run

Ras Dywyll – Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru

Glow up and experience the National Botanic Garden of Wales like never before!
Summer adventure challenge - children hula hooping

Her Antur Haf Tŷ Hafan

Ydych chi'n chwilio am weithgareddau i'w gwneud dros wyliau'r haf? Beth am roi cynnig ar Her Antur Haf Tŷ Hafan?
Bungee jump

Naid Bynji Trago Mills

Your chance to bungee jump for free at this event run by the UK Bungee Club and Trago Mills, while fundraising for Tŷ Hafan.
Sunrise beach, Nick Russill

Taith Gerdded Goffa Tŷ Hafan

Ymunwch â ni ar daith gerdded heddychlon wrth iddi wawrio o Bier Penarth i Hosbis Plant Tŷ Hafan i fyfyrio ar y bobl rydych chi'n eu caru.
Tandem skydivers. Provided by Skyline Events.

Awyrblymio Dros Tŷ Hafan

Naid dandem o'r awyr yw'r her anturus hon, o 10,000 troedfedd a theithio ar gyflymder o hyd at 120 mya!

Ras 10km Porthcawl

Mae Ras 10K Porthcawl yn ras gyffrous yn y dref glan môr sy'n adnabyddus am ei llwybrau syrffio, chwaraeon a'r arfordir.